School Counselors:
Mary Heppner, Leslie Fendley, and Allison Norotsky
The Counseling & Guidance program is an integral part of the total educational program and is designed to meet the needs of all students. The goal of the Counseling & Guidance program is to help students, parents, and teachers develop positive learning experiences through:
- Academic Counseling & Guidance
- Career Counseling & Guidance
- Personal / Social Counseling & Guidance.
These are accomplished with the following activities:
Individual Counseling
Counseling is developmental and is designed to help students develop an understanding of themselves or others, define goals, and resolve conflict. Students may self-refer by leaving a note in my mailbox or parents or teachers may request that I see a child to discuss a particular concern. I see students individually anywhere from one time to several weeks, depending on the topic. I do not see a student more than twice on one issue without contacting parents.
Group Counseling & Guidance
Sometimes students who share a common concern find it helpful to meet together to share ideas and support. Possible group topics are Grief, Divorce or Family Change, Social Skills, Friendship, Drugs / Alcohol Prevention, Violence Prevention, Problem-Solving, Anger, Study Skills, Career Exploration, and Classroom Issues. I do not place students in groups without parent permission.
Classroom Guidance
Classes receive classroom Guidance lessons for 30-45 minutes once a week. Guidance activities are designed to help students succeed and get along in the classroom. Guidance lessons are intended for all students and do not require students to reveal any personal information.
Parents may review materials to be used in any Counseling and Guidance program by contacting me. Parents who object to the participation their children in any component of the program; academic, career, and/or social; must notify the school principal in writing and identify specifically which part of the program the child is not to participate in. I invite parents to contact me with concerns or questions at any time.